Apprenticeships are for everyone. Yes, that includes you!

It’s time to bust those myths surrounding the world of apprenticeships once and for all. We would hate for you to miss out on an amazing experience working in the adult social care just because you haven’t heard the truth.

Here are our 6 apprenticeship facts that should get you excited:

1. Apprenticeships aren’t just for young people

It’s a common misunderstanding that apprenticeships are just for school or college leavers. They are in fact open to anyone over the age of 16 who is wanting to work and willing to learn along the way.

If you are already a care worker, that’s not a problem, you can still apply for an adult social care apprenticeship and plug your knowledge and skills gaps to really improve your future career in this rewarding sector.

2. Apprenticeships are real jobs!

If you are an apprentice you will be just like any other employee and have the same rights. You will be paid too. The main difference is that you will be learning and receiving quality training as you work.

3. Apprenticeships are flexible

Believe it or not, the hours you work during your apprenticeship can fit around your commitments and responsibilities. Working in adult social care has so many benefits, and the fact that it is not a 9 to 5 Monday to Friday job is just one of them. The great news for apprentices is that training is not 9-5 either!

4. Apprentices often get offered permanent positions

It stands to reason really. You have built great working relationships, learned so much about the organisation, and proved that you are committed to the role.

5. After the apprenticeship, you continue to develop and if you want to, you can take up a role in management or leadership

An apprenticeship is just the start. Once you have been offered a permanent position, the world is your oyster as they say, and as there is such a variety of roles within the adult social care sector, you can find the path you want to be on and keep going!

To help you chose which direction to take, and discover whether a direct care or an indirect care role is your perfect match head over to our blog, ‘Different Types Of Roles Within The Adult Social Care Sector’.

6. Why choose an apprenticeship in the adult social care sector?

Many people switch careers because they simply want to be a part of something special. People who start their career in this sector do so because they want to make a difference to people’s lives. No matter your age, your previous experience, or your background you’ll find that working in this sector is the most fulfilling one out there. Putting smiles on faces and helping others live their best life is priceless!